About Gulf Coast Home Watch of SWFL

Paul & Brenda Smich, Owners
Gulf Coast Home Watch of Southwest Florida is owned and operated by Paul and Brenda Smich. They are a semi-retired law enforcement couple who still have a desire to serve the community. Paul is a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania transplant who moved initially to Sumter County Florida in 1987 starting his law enforcement career with the Florida Department of Corrections. Paul promoted through the ranks leaving the Florida Department of Corrections at the rank of Major in Dade County Florida in 2009. Paul than began his second career at the Lee County Sheriff’s Office also in 2009 soon to be retiring as of December 2019. Brenda who hails from Syracuse, New York moved to Charlotte County Florida early in life residing in Charlotte County most of her adult life. Brenda began her law enforcement career in 1989 for the State of Florida at Charlotte Correctional Institution where she met Paul and promoted through the ranks where she is a Senior Classification Officer. Paul and Brenda were married in 1997 and became home owners in Charlotte County Florida in 1998 where they raised 5 children who are productive members of society acquiring careers in the law enforcement and medical fields. Also, very proud of their 7 grandchildren.
Paul and Brenda began Gulf Coast Home Watch of Southwest Florida as it was only natural they provide a service which assisted others in their community. A Home Watch business was the perfect calling. Both Paul and Brenda have lived a life of service to others. A life of commitment, honesty, integrity and responsibility. Paul was responsible for the security of a multi-million-dollar correctional facility. Brenda was responsible to ensure through their sentences, criminals stayed where they belonged. Both Paul and Brenda have the experience to watch over your residence and able to recognize hard to see irregularities pay close attention to detail. These attributes put Gulf Coast Home Watch of Southwest Florida heads and shoulders over any other home watch company. Gulf Coast Home Watch of Southwest Florida is a member and accredited with the National Home Watch Association which ensures we are licensed, insured and bonded.